After the second fail at Meramac I raked my brain and begged local fly shop proprietors for information on good trout areas for the newly initiated fly fisherman. I was directed toward a few choice waters and my research was confirmed by many local industry professionals who pointed us toward Monatuk state park. I have always wanted to fish this area because it is far larger then Meramac Springs and More importantly less crowded. This trip started very early at the place where our trips always do which happened to be at Dunkin doughnuts. We left the city around 3:30 and made the long journey passed Meramac Springs out towards Salem and eventually passed it to the park.
The stream unfolded out of the fog as if out of a dream, shrouded in mist and revealing itself little by little. We waded around and found a good spot to start and saw a few spincasters reeling in fish left and right. This trip was Begining to resemble the failed attempts at Meramac, oh no. This was rectified after a few hours we tied on some of my home made glow bugs and started to hook fish. I did not say land fish because I lost three or four rather nice looking trout right before I tried to bring them to hand. i must say that I am truly obsessed with trout in the overall scheme of freshwater fly fishing. I know they get a lot of publicity but I have loved trout ever since I was young guy out there in the mountains of Southern California. I finally brought one of these beauties to hand and marvelled at the sheer strength of these trout which were no bigger then seven or eight inches long. After this Willl and I were fully intune with fishing the mighty glow bug and catching trout that seemed uncatchable. I had a great day and caught a few nice trout and Will finally caught his first trout. He is officially becoming converted to what is reffered to as a trout bum.
We fished so hard and so long that we neglected food and water for more then seven or eight hours and we barely made it to Wills car which was in and out of air conditioning. During the ride home I slipped in and out of a choma like state and could keep myself awake. I think that this was more heat induced and by the time we arrived home I definatley had a fishing hang over. Great conversations and great fishing what more can a guy want out of life.
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